Background: The contents of classical communication media and new Internet social media reflect the interests of society. Barriers and a lack of attention for mental diseases have been previously observed. Objective: To measure the relevance given by the main American social communication media (ASCM) to psychiatric information and the interest generated in their Twitter followers. Methods: We investigated the tweets generated about mental health conditions and disease by 15 main United States of America (USA) general communication media from January 2007 to December 2016. Our study strategy focused on identifying several psychiatric terms of main interest. The number of retweets generated by the selected tweets was also investigated. For a control, we used tweets generated about the main causes of death in the USA, the main chronic neurological degenerative diseases and infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Results: In total, 13,119 tweets sent by the ASCM about mental health disorders show a heterogeneous distribution with preferential accumulation in a reduced number of conditions. Suicide and gender dysphoria accumulated half of the number of sent tweets. Variability in the number of tweets related to each control disease was also found (5,998). The number of tweets sent regarding each different psychiatric or organic disease analyzed was significantly correlated with the number of retweets generated by followers (1,030,974 and 424,813 responses to metal health disorders and organic diseases, respectively). However, the probability of a tweet being retweeted was statistically different between the conditions and diseases analyzed. Furthermore, the retweeted/tweet ratio was significantly higher in psychiatric diseases than in the control organic diseases (OR=1.11 [1.07-1.14], p<0.001). Conclusions: According to the use of Twitter, the ASCM and the general public demonstrate a preferential interest for psychiatric diseases. The heterogeneous weight given by the ASCM to the different mental health disorders and conditions is reflected in the response of Twitter followers.