We report on the dewetting of a monolayer on a solid substrate, where mass transport occurs via surface diffusion. For a wide range of parameters, a labyrinthine pattern of bilayer islands is formed. An irreversible regime and a thermodynamic regime are identified. In both regimes, the velocity of a dewetting front, the wavelength of the bilayer island pattern, and the rate of nucleation of dewetted zones are obtained. We also point out the existence of a scaling behavior, which is analyzed by means of a geometrical model.Liquid films, once spread on a substrate, may breakup into droplets to lower the surface energy. Such a process is called dewetting. As for liquids, thin solid films may break-up into droplets. However two main differences may be pointed out. Firstly, solids exhibit strong surface anisotropy whereas liquids are usually isotropic. Secondly, mass transport mainly occurs via surface diffusion on solids at small scales, while it is mediated by hydrodynamics in liquids.Dewetting of solid layers with sub-micron thicknesses was observed in recent experimental studies [1,2,3]. Spontaneous breakup of the film into dots can be analyzed within the frame of continuum models including an effective wetting potential, with surface energy [4], and elastic effects [5]. Moreover, the nonlinear dynamics of the edges of these layers [2,6,7] may also lead to the periodic formation of holes behind the dewetting rim.For even thinner films, such as 1nm thick Ag on Si[8], one expects the discreteness of the underlying crystalline lattice to come to the fore. In order to investigate these effects, we study the dewetting of the thinnest possible layer: a monolayer. In order to focus on the basic processes, we discard effects related to substrate roughness, elastic interactions, or alloying. We focus on the case where dewetting occurs via the nucleation of holes, subsequently invading the whole film. This occurs in a well defined temperature window: if the temperature were too low the surface would be frozen; if it were too high -above the roughening transition-the film would be unstable and would break up into a microscopically disordered pattern.We show that monolayer dewetting proceeds differently from thicker layers dewetting. As shown on Fig.1, monolayers initially lead to a labyrinthine pattern of bilayer islands, which then slowly thicken into 3-layer, and then 4-layers islands, etc. Two different regimes for monolayer dewetting, henceforth denoted as regimes I and II, are analyzed. While both regimes exhibit the same temporal scaling behavior, their microscopic dynamics is qualitatively different.We employ Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations in order to mimic experiments with a minimum number of ingredients. We use a Solid on Solid model on a 2D square lattice, with lattice unit a, and local height h ≥ 0. The substrate surface, at h = 0, is perfectly flat and frozen. Epilayer atoms hop to nearest neighbor sites with the rates r n when h = 1, and ν n when h > 1, withwhere ν 0 is a constant frequency, T is the tem...