The up per part of the Lower Mio cene Sloboda Con glom er ate, a 250-1400 m thick unit, was de pos ited mainly on an al lu vial fan and fan delta dur ing the early stages of Carpathian Foredeep de vel op ment. Dur ing of the Old Styrian overthrust move ments of the Carpathian orogen, a forebulge was formed, which sup plied clasts to the con glom er ate. The clasts are dom i nated by Late Pro tero zoic-Early Cambrian phyllites, while Pa leo zoic car bon ates are com mon, and Me so zoic and other rocks are rare. The source area formed mainly by a prolon ga tion of the Małopolska Mas sif that was in volved in the forebulge; this was lo cated close to a palaeovalley cut into Me so zoic and Pa leo zoic rocks, bur ied un der youn ger strata. Ad di tional ma te rial was de rived from the ad vanc ing front of the Carpathian Flysch nappes.
Nestor Oszczypko and Al fred Uchman, In sti tute of Geo log i cal Sci ences, Jagiellonian Uni ver sity,