“…Sed i men ta tion dur ing most of de po si tion of the FT 5 fa cies oc curred in a fully ma rine la goon with low sedi men ta tion rate, as re vealed by the pres ence of type 3 oncoids (Védrine et al, 2007;Sequero et al, 2020). Gas tro pods and mass occurences of bi valve coquinas may be re lated to high, although ep i sodic, sup ply of nu tri ents to a re stricted la goon (see e.g., Dupraz and Strasser, 1999;Flügel, 2004;Kästner et al, 2008;Zuo et al, 2018). More over, the pres ence of sus pension-feed ing bi valves sug gests that large amounts of food par ticles were sus pended in the wa ter col umn (e.g., Flügel, 2004: 624).…”