The Keera dome lies in the Kachchh Mainland, exposes ~225 m thick succession of Chari Formation. It comprises siliciclastic and carbonate sediments of the Callovian to Oxfordian age. The present study describes the depositional environment of six lithofacies derived on the basis ofsedimentological characteristics, viz.,Intercalated Shale Siltstone Facies (ISSF), Fossiliferous Limestone Facies (FLF), Shale Facies (SF), Golden OoliteFacies (GOF), Calcareous Sandstone Facies (CSF) and Oolitic Limestone Facies (OLF). The SF is exposed in all the four informal members of the Chari Formation and contains the highest thickness among the six facies. The OLF is an important facies as it contains the Dhosaoolite rocks, which are considered as 'marker horizon' in the Mesozoic sequence of Kachchh Mainland. The shales, siltstones, limestones, and oolitic limestones of ISSF, LF, GOF, and OLFlithofacies comprise bivalves, brachiopods, Belemnites, and ammonites, while in microfossils bryozoa are common. The sedimentological characteristics depicted minor transgressionregression events of depositional sediments, ranges from the shoreface to offshore zone in fluctuating energy conditions.