Post-translational modifications
that do not result in a change
in mass are particularly difficult to detect by mass spectrometry.
For example, isomerization of aspartic acid or epimerization of any
chiral residue within a peptide do not lead to mass shifts but can
be identified by examination of independently acquired tandem mass
spectra or by combination with another technique. For analysis of
a biological sample, this means that liquid chromatography or some
other type of separation must be used to first separate the isomers
from one another. Furthermore, each specific m/z of interest must be sampled repeatedly to allow for comparison
of the tandem mass spectra from each separated isomer, which contrasts
with the traditional approach in proteomics where the goal is typically
to avoid resampling the same m/z. We illustrate that isomerization and epimerization of peptides
can be identified in this fashion by examination of long-lived crystallin
proteins extracted from a sheep eye lens. Tandem mass spectrometry
relying on a combination of radical directed dissociation (RDD) and
collision induced dissociation (CID) following separation by liquid
chromatography was used to identify modified peptides. Numerous sites
of isomerization and epimerization, including several that have not
been previously identified, were determined with peptide specificity.
It is demonstrated that the specific sites of amino acid isomerization
within each peptide can be identified by comparison with synthetic
peptides. For α-crystallin proteins, the sites that undergo
the greatest degree of isomerization correspond to disordered regions,
which may have important implications on chaperone functionality within
the context of aging.