As et of broadly applicable methods for efficient catalytic additions of easy-to-handle allyl-B(pin) (pin = pinacolato) compounds to ketones and acyclic a-ketoesters was developed. Accordingly,alarge arrayo ft ertiary alcohols can be obtained in 60 to > 98 %yield and up to 99:1 enantiomeric ratio.Atthe heart of this development is rational alteration of the structures of the small-molecule aminophenol-based catalysts.N otably,w ith ketones,i ncreasing the size of ac atalyst moiety (tBu to SiPh 3 )results in muchhigher enantioselectivity. With a-ketoesters,onthe other hand, not only does the opposite hold true,s ince Me substitution leads to substantially higher enantioselectivity,but the sense of the selectivity is reversed as well.