“…There is a generalized body inflamma tory response [10], complement activation, interleukin production and a profound derangement of the thyroid profile lasting for several days [11,12], The 'euthyroid sick syndrome' is characterized by a low FTy, increase in plasma reverse Ty (rTy), normal or low total Ty (TTy), thy roxine (T4), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) lev- . In sick patients, the lower the n y r T j ratios cor related with higher mortality [ 14,15], Experimental administration of T 3 in animals has shown a rapid reversal of the myocardial dysfunction which follows transient ischemic events, such as: (a) in duction of experimental brain death [16][17][18], (b) stunned myocardium [19,20], or (c) after prolonged cardioplégie arrest on cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) [21,22], Similar observations were made in our preliminary clinical stud ies. After administering T3 to 10 patients who were expe riencing profound postcardiotomy myocardial depres sion, the T3 enhanced the reversal of the myocardial dys function allowing for discontinuation of CPB, and also the use of intra-aortic balloon pump was no longer neces sary after 1 h. This therapy also allowed for a rapid reduc tion in high inotropic requirements [23].…”