Building Relations and Enhanced Relationality 11 4 Of Hard Work and Entering Global Classification SystemsAs this issue opens the fourth year in a row of our scientific venture, we are pleased to announce that the international relations, hard work, and novel collaborations inaugurated along this editorial path already bore considerable fruits. Indeed, magazén has just been accepted for SCOPUS, since the Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) approved our application for coverage. The reviewers attested that "this is a well organised journal publishing material that is likely to interest SCOPUS users", as it "consistently includes articles that are academically sound and relevant to an international academic or professional audience in the field". We cannot but share our satisfaction and pride with the many scholars working to make magazén possible, but the SCOPUS classification also encourages us to dig deeper in the domain of Digital and Public Humanities, as well as making some changes to our editorial project. At this point we feel that we have reached a novel phase and broader audience, which allows us to completely open the journal to our scholarly community. In the first four years, by publishing thematic issues we were trying to establish our journal as a new platform that fosters an international and open debate about the fundamentals of our scholarly field. From now on, however, we believe we can move past specific subjects and methodological topics, thus truly highlighting recent challenges and cutting-edge experiences in our interdisciplinary domain. In order to do so, together with the Editorial Board we resolved to stay open for single paper proposals from international scholars as well as for covering entire issues with guest editors. Thus, magazén will look even more like a place for sharing and arguing such as in the public house at the time of the Venetian Republic, from which we derived our journal title magazén (Tassini 1970, 364-5).Given our recent SCOPUS classification, we particularly wish to express our gratitude to all scholars and experts involved over the last four years in the making of this magazén: our Advisory Board members, all published authors, the uncountable peer reviewers, the strenuous members of the editorial board, as well as our publisher's team. We will cherish this splendid relationship.