Many mechanical engineering students earn transfer credit for calculus and physics courses. This paper examines the impact of transfer credits on academic success in a junior-level thermodynamics course, using data from 738 undergraduate students at the University of San Antonio from 2019 to 2022. Results show that students who transfer credit for Calculus I tend to perform better in thermodynamics, with a pass rate on the first attempt around 10 percentage points higher than those who earn credit for Calculus I at the University. Differences in pass rates for transfer credits in Calculus II and Physics I are less significant. The data suggests that students with high numbers of transfer credits have equivalent or higher academic success in thermodynamics compared to those with little or no transfer credits. A student satisfaction survey found that many students earn Calculus I credit while in high school and express high satisfaction with the instruction received. There is no significant differences in student satisfaction between community colleges and university Calculus or Physics courses. These findings shed light on the impact of transfer credits on academic success and student satisfaction in thermodynamics.