In a recent communication (Palestini, Lifschitz & Armengol, 1959), a study of the habituation of primary and secondary cortical photic potentials in cats which had been subjected to a mid-pontine pre-trigeminal transection was reported. E.e.g. recordings of these evoked potentials after the transection showed a definite lengthening of the period of time in which the primary cortical photic potentials would attain habituation. This lengthening was even more striking in the secondary cortical photic potentials, since normally they reach habituation in a very short time.To explain these results it was suggested (Palestini & Lifschitz, 1959) that an inhibitory influence, arising in structures situated below the level of the lesion, was being exerted. The present paper presents results, obtained in preparations with a mid-pontine pre-trigeminal section, on the changes of the photically evoked cortical potentials, which give additional support to this hypothesis.
METHODSFifty cats were used in these experiments. After anaesthesia with sodium pentobarbitone, extradural monopolar stainless-steel electrodes were implanted on the suprasylvian gyrus, on the gyrus lateralis and gyrus lateralis anterior.Control recordings were taken from these animals, non-anaesthetized, at least 5 days after implantation. The light stimulus in all experiments consisted of flashes at a rate of one per second from a Grass PS 1 photic stimulator. To ensure relatively constant stimulation of the retina the light source was always held at the same distance from the eyes, the animal was slung in a hammock and head excursions were restrained by an aluminium cone. All cats were dark-adapted at the beginning of each experiment and their pupils dilated with homatropine. Satisfactory isolation from outside sounds was achieved in all experiments. As a further means of ensuring a constant stimulus to the retina, the nictitating membranes were removed and the facial nerves were divided in some animals.Both monopolar (with an indifferent electrode on the frontal sinus) and bipolar electrodes were used and the electrical changes were recorded by a Grass e.e.g. machine on paper or photographed from an oseilloscope trace. In the latter method successive cortical responses were superimposed on the same picture.