Purpose of the study: To explore the effectiveness of the English-speaking acculturation strategy in improving the English ability of school members so that they can internationalize the character of Islamic educational institutions.
Methodology: Using a qualitative phenomenological approach, with observation, interview, and documentation as data collection techniques, and reduction, display, and conclusion become the stages of data analysis. The research sample of 255 teachers, employees, and students was determined purposively at Taman Islam Middle School, Sidoarjo, Indonesia.
Main Findings: This study found that an English-speaking acculturation strategy was effective in improving the English-speaking ability of school residents (up 4.63 from target 3) so that the internationalization of the character of Islamic education institutions, innovative, was formed.
Applications of this study: This study is useful to improve the quality and become a prototype of the actualization of the character of international education institutions, through the strategy of acculturation in English, especially in Islamic schools.
Novelty: This study creates the basis and prototype for the actualization of international standard Islamic education institutions, through an English-speaking acculturation strategy. The principal’s policy requires the English to inspire its representatives, together formulate and realize an English acculturation program; inspire teachers, staff, and students to carry out various English-speaking acculturation activities both inside and outside the school. Cultivation of English becomes more effective. The English skills of teachers, employees, and students from the aspects of listening, grammar, reading, writing, and speaking have increased, so that the internationalization of Islamic institutional character, in the form of integrity, professionalism, innovation, responsibility, and example, can be formed more quickly.