In order to study of genetic diversity and classify physioagronomic characters under normal irrigation and drought stress in wheat cultivars, 15 cultivars were evaluated in the research farm of University of Mahabad, Iran. According to stepwise regression some of traits entered to final model that as far to correlation coefficients and path analysis regarding, the biggest part of correlation coefficient and direct effect was achieved for number of grains per spike, number spikes per plant with grain yield under two conditions. These traits had the highest indirect effect on the grain yield mutually. So, screening for high value for these traits can bring increase in wheat grain yield under two conditions. Factor analysis detected three and four factors which explained 91.23 and 92.43 percent of the total variation in non-drought stress and drought stress conditions, respectively. In drought stress condition the first factor, second factor, third factor and fourth factors were named as yield component, physiological, biomass and growth, and yield factor respectively. Cluster analysis based on the three and four factors grouped cultivars into the two groups under normal and three groups under drought stress conditions. Generally, tolerant cultivars can be used for direct culture or as parents for create of variation in breeding programs.Key words: correlation; drought stress; factor analysis; path analysis; physio-agronomic traits; wheat
IZVLEČEK OVREDNOTENJE GENETSKE RAZNOLIKOSTI IN RAZMERIJ MED LASTNOSTMI PRI SORTAH KRUŠNE PŠENICE V RAZMERAH SUŠNEGA STRESA S STATISTIČNIMI METODAMIZ namenom preučevanja genetske raznolikosti in razvrščanja fizioloških in agronomskih lastnosti je bilo v razmerah sušnega stresa in normalnega namakanja ovrednotenih 15 sort krušne pšenice na raziskovalnem polju University of Mahabad, Iran. S postopno regresijo so nekatere lastnosti vključili v končni model na osnovi koeficientov korelacije in standardiziranih koeficientov multiple regresije in ugotovili, da so imele največji neposredni učinek v obeh razmerah poskusa lastnosti kot so število zrn na klas, število klasov na rastlino in pridelek zrnja. Te lastnosti so imele hkrati tudi največji neposrednik učinek na pridelek zrnja. Iskanje sort z velimi vrednostmi teh lastnosti lahko poveča pridelek pšenice v obeh razmerah poskusa. Faktorska analiza je ugotovila tri, oziroma štiri faktorje, s katerimi lahko razložimo 91.23 in 92.43 odstotkov celukupne variabilnosti v razmerah brez suše in ob sušnem stresu. V razmerah sušnega stresa so prvi, drugi, tretji in četrti faktor poimenovani kot komponento pridelka, fiziološki parametri, biomasa in rast ter pridelek. Klasterska analiza je na osnovi treh in štirih faktorjev uvrstila sorte v dve skupini v normalnih razmerah in v tri skupine v razmerah sušnega stresa. V splošnem bi odporne sorte lahko gojili neposredno v prozvodnji ali jih uporabili kot starše pri ustvarjanju raznolikosti v žlahtniteljskih programih.