Coagulation factor XII (FXII) may be important in cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. We have identified and characterized a naturally occurring mutation in the feline FXII gene that results in a mutant protein and enzymatic loss of activity. Feline intron/ exon gene structure and sequence were acquired by comparing DNA sequences obtained from a fragmented Felis catus genomic sequence and the National Center for Biotechnology Information's Cross Species Megablast of multiple species' FXII gene sequences. Fourteen exons ranging in size from 57 to 222 base pairs were confirmed spanning 8 Kb on chromosome A1. The 1828-base pair feline FXII messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence contains an open reading frame that encodes a protein of 609 amino acids with high homology to human FXII protein. Total RNA and mRNA purified from liver tissue of 4 wild-type/normal and 8 FXII-deficient cats confirmed the predicted mRNA sequence and identified one important single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). A single base deletion in exon 11 of the FXII coding gene in our colony of cats results in deficient FXII activity. Translation of the mRNA transcript shows a frame shift at L441 (C441fsX119) resulting in a nonsense mutation and a premature stop codon with a predicted 560-amino acid protein. The mutant FXII protein is truncated in the 3 0 proteolytic light chain region of the Cterminus, explaining its loss of enzymatic activity. This study is the first molecular characterization of the feline FXII gene and the first identification of an FXII mutation in the domestic cat, providing insights into the origin and nature of feline FXII deficiency.Keywords coagulation, technology, cat, domestic mammals, species, factor XII, FXII, Hageman factor, gene, mutation, mRNA Deficiency of factor XII (FXII or Hageman factor) was first described in 1955 in a human patient who lacked plasma coagulant activity. 31 In the intervening time, FXIIs from multiple species have been genetically characterized and various mutations have been reported in humans. Although FXII deficiency does not present as a bleeding tendency, recent evidence indicates FXII may be important in maintaining blood clot stability and pregnancy. 22,25,32 A feline FXII-deficient case was first described in 1977, 10 and later Kier et al 18 established a colony in the early 1980s to study FXII deficiency.Today, these offspring continue to provide information about the in vivo role of FXII and are the source of this study's molecular characterization of a mutation in the FXII gene with a similar autosomal recessive inheritance pattern and coagulation profile as seen in humans. Studies in human populations indicate that the prevalence of moderate to severe FXII deficiency is between 2% and 5% of a given white population.11 Similar to humans, the prevalence of FXII deficiency in domestic cats of the United States is 2%.
3Factor XII is primarily produced in the liver and circulates in the plasma as an inactive precursor enzyme or zymogen.
40The FXII protein is a 2-chain molecule consis...