Some fast algorithms for computing the eigenvalues of a (block) companion matrix have recently appeared in the literature. In this paper we generalize the approach to encompass unitary plus low rank matrices of the form A = U + XY H where U is a general unitary matrix. Three important cases for applications are U unitary diagonal, U unitary block Hessenberg and U unitary in block CMV form. Our extension exploits the properties of a larger matrix obtained by a certain embedding of the Hessenberg reduction of A suitable to maintain its structural properties. We show that can be factored as product of lower and upper unitary Hessenberg matrices possibly perturbed in the first k rows, and, moreover, such a data-sparse representation is well suited for the design of fast eigensolvers based on the QR iteration. The resulting algorithm is fast and backward stable.We first recall some basic properties of unitary matrices which play an important role in the derivation of our methods.Lemma 1 Let U be a unitary matrix of size n. Then rank (U (α, β)) = rank (U (J\α, J\β)) + |α| + |β| − n where J = {1, 2, . . . , n} and α and β are subsets of J. If α = {1, . . . , h} and β = J\α, then we have rank (U (1 : h, h+1 : n)) = rank (U (h+1 : n, 1 : h)), for all h = 1, . . . , n−1.