Abstract. We summarize recent theoretical developments in the field of radiative and semileptonic penguin decays. 13.20.He, 12.38.Bx, 12.39.St. MZ-TH/11-32
AMBIGUITY OF THE NEW PHYSICS SCALEWithin the indirect search for New Physics (NP) there is a an ambiguity of the new physics scale. In the modelindependent approach using the effective electroweak hamiltonean, the contribution to one specific operator O i can be parametrized viawhere the first term represents the SM contribution at the electroweak scale M W and the second one the NP contribution with an unknown coupling C i SM and an unknown NP scale Λ NP . The radiative and semi-leptonic penguin modes, b → sγ and b → sℓ + ℓ − , are flavour changing neutral current (FCNC) processes and, thus, are highly sensitive for new degrees of freedom via virtual effects (for reviews, see [1,2,3]) The non-existence of large NP effects in flavour observables in general [4,5] implies the famous flavour problem, namely why FCNC are suppressed. Either the mass scale of the new degrees of freedom, Λ NP , is very high or the new flavourviolating couplings, C i NP , are small for (symmetry?) reasons that remain to be found. For example, assuming generic new flavour-violating couplings of O(1), the present data on K-K mixing implies a very high NP scale of order 10 3 -10 4 TeV depending on whether the new contributions enter at loop-or at tree-level. In contrast, theoretical considerations on the Higgs sector, which is responsible for the mass generation of the fundamental particles in the SM, call for NP at order 1 TeV. As a consequence, any NP below the 1 TeV scale must have a non-generic flavour structure. In addition, also the present electroweak data indicate a slightly higher NP scale, a data-driven problem known as little hierarchy problem.The present measurements of B decays, especially of FCNC processes, already significantly restrict the parameter space of NP models. In general such bounds from flavour physics are model-dependent, but often much stronger than the ones derived from other measurements. In any case, the indirect flavour information will be most valuable when the general nature and the mass scale of NP will be known.
THE INCLUSIVE DECAYB → X s,d γPerturbative contributions: Among the rare decay modes, the inclusive decayB → X s γ is the most important one, because it is theoretically well-understood and at the same time it has been measured extensively at the B factories. While non-perturbative corrections to this decay mode are subleading and recently estimated to be well below 10% [6], perturbative QCD corrections are the most important corrections. Within a global effort, a perturbative QCD calculation to the next-to-next-to-leading-logarithmic order level (NNLL) has quite recently been performed and has led to the first NNLL prediction of theB → X s γ branching fraction [7] with a photon cut at E γ = 1.6GeV (including the error due to nonperturbative corrections):B(B → X s γ) NNLL = (3.15 ± 0.23) × 10 −4 .(2)