“…A strong breakdown of factorization at the TEVATRON has been known for some time from run-I (1992-1995) results [28]: the single-diffractive to nondiffractive ratios for dijets, W , b-quark and J/ψ production, as well as the ratio of double-diffractive to non-diffractive dijet production are all ∼ 1%, a factor 10 less than at HERA. However, the ratio of double-to single-diffractive dijets is found to be about a factor 5 larger than the ratio of single-to non-diffractive dijets, suggesting that there is only a small extra suppression when going from one to two rapidity gaps in the event, as confirmed by predictions [20]. In this respect the TEVATRON data are being a very powerful tool to shed light on the factorization breaking mechanism.…”