Let R be a Noetherian domain and let (σ, δ) be a quasi-derivation of R such that σ is an automorphism. There is an induced quasi-derivation on the classical quotient ring. We apply this result to classify prime quadratic forms in quantum planes and quantized Weyl algebras.Keywords Skew polynomial rings · Quantum planes · Quantized Weyl algebras
OverviewIn a ring R a nonzero element a is normal if aR = Ra. Moreover, if R is prime then a induces an automorphism ϕ such that ar = ϕ(r)a for all r ∈ R. We would like to know as much as possible about normal elements in Ore extensions. Jordan studied degree one normal elements of Ore extensions and applied his results to quantum determinants in n × n quantum matrices. In Sect. 2, we prove Lemma 2, which was motivated by his proof of [8, Proposition 1]. This is used in Theorem 3 to classify prime monic normal polynomials of degree 2 in an Ore extension.Theorem 3 is used to help establish the main result of [10], which gives a test to determine when the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie color algebra is a domain. To find new applications of Theorem 3 we study factorization in quantum planes and quantized Weyl algebras. Background is provided in Sect. 3.One of the coauthors, Holtz, first encountered the topic of factorization in rings while enrolled in an undergraduate algebra course taught by the faculty coauthor, Price. We pursued ways to extend results from commutative polynomial rings to quantized Weyl algebras.