Along the years, supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY QM) has been used for studying solvable quantum potentials. It is the simplest method to build Hamiltonians with prescribed spectra in the spectral design. The key is to pair two Hamiltonians through a finite order differential operator. Some related subjects can be simply analyzed, as the algebras ruling both Hamiltonians and the associated coherent states. The technique has been applied also to periodic potentials, where the spectra consist of allowed and forbidden energy bands. In addition, a link with nonlinear second-order differential equations, and the possibility of generating some solutions, can be explored. Recent applications concern the study of Dirac electrons in graphene placed either in electric or magnetic fields, and the analysis of optical systems whose relevant equations are the same as those of SUSY QM. These issues will be reviewed briefly in this paper, trying to identify the most important subjects explored currently in the literature.
KeywordsSupersymmetric quantum mechanics • Coherent states • Painlevé equations • Painlevé transcendents • Polynomial Heisenberg algebras • Factorization method • Exact solutions • Spectral design • Graphene Dedicated to my dear friend and colleague Véronique Hussin. D. J. Fernández C ( )