In cities with different population profiles and marketing, cultural aspects can prevail in a purchase decision. The milk markets are different in the cities of Chapadinha, Imperatriz, and São Luís, Maranhão State, Brazil. To study milk consumption semi-structured questionnaires were filled among consumers in order to register their habits and preferences during the dry and rainy seasons. Socioeconomic and cultural data of the consumers and aspects referring to the milk type consumed were considered. The results from 2,134 respondents were treated using descriptive statistics and the chi-squared test. The consumption and preference for milk type differed (P<0.01) between the cities. Higher proportions of milk drinkers were found in Chapadinha and São Luís compared to Imperatriz. The inhabitants of Chapadinha, São Luís, and Imperatriz preferred powdered, UHT, and pasteurized milk, respectively. Powdered milk was chosen in Chapadinha due to price and convenience (P<0.001). The milk types in São Luís (UHT) and Imperatriz (pasteurized) were chosen to ensure the populations' health. The differences in the purchasing power of the inhabitants, dairy farming traditions, and milk types offered at each site explains the varied consumption behavior. Disclosing information to the public about the nutritional and health aspects of formal milk must take into account the regional diversity of the consumers. Key words: Informal milk, consumer preferences, milk supply chain
ResumoEm cidades com perfis mercadológicos e populacionais distintos, aspectos culturais podem prevalecer na decisão de compra. Com o objetivo de conhecer a proporção da população de consumidores de leite de três cidades maranhenses e seus hábitos e preferências de consumo, foram aplicados questionários semi-estruturados à população. Foram consideradas informações socioeconômicas e culturais dos consumidores e de aspectos referentes ao tipo de leite consumido. Os resultados de 2.134 respondentes foram tratados por meio de estatística descritiva e do teste de qui-quadrado. O consumo e preferência pelo tipo de leite diferiram (P<0,01) entre as cidades. Em Chapadinha e São Luís identificou-se maior proporção de consumidores de leite em comparação a Imperatriz. Os habitantes de Chapadinha, São Luís e Imperatriz preferiram, respectivamente, leite em pó, longa vida e pasteurizado. A escolha pelo