Multiresponse kinetic models are established for the low-temperature oxidation (LTO) reactions of Athabasca oil sands bitumen. The models provide adequate description of the overall rate of oxygen consumption and of the reactions of the liquid phase bitumen components.The LTO models are suitable for use in the in sifu combustion numerical simulators of the oil sands.
SCOPESeveral articles have been published describing in sifu combustion techniques and giving detailed results of laboratory and field experiments. These papers include: Alexander et al. (1962), Bennion et al. (1977), Burger and Sahuquet (1973). Cram and Redford (1977), Dietz (1 970), Dietz and Weidjema (1 968), Morse (1 976), Nelson and McNiels (1956), Showalter (1963), Smith and Perkins (1973), Reed et al. (1960), andWalter (1977). The performance of in situ combustion processes depends on the accompanying low-temperature oxidation (LTO) reactions (Alexander et al., 1962;Dabbous and Fulton, 1974;Burger and Sahuquet, 1973). Furthermore, results of published laboratory and field studies indicate that more meaningful analysis of combustion data cannot be made until the LTO reaction kinetics are studied and the reaction mechanisms elucidated. Consequently, a reliable numerical simulator of the in situ combustion processes must model adequately the LTO reactions. The simulator should include an LTO reaction model able to do the followCorrespondence concerning this paper should be addressed to K. 0. Adegbcsan, who is now with Esso Rcsourca Canada Ltd.