As the applications of smartphones are being applied in widespread areas, social commerces in the smartphone environment have entered a new chapter. The applications of social commerces on smartphones are widely used, which has increased the market share of social commerces exponentially. Thus, we tried to find out factors which may affect the user acceptance of social commerces in the smartphone environment. We develop a research model to examine how social commerces in the smartphone environment are accepted by users based on the academic factors-switch costs, trend-seeking tendency, richness in media. The theoretical model is validated through an survey of social commerce users in the smartphone environment from the undergraduates and the graduates in Seoul, Korea. The structural equation analysis is conducted based on the partial least square (PLS) approach. The results reveal that the switch cost will have positive mediating influences to the intention to use social commerce in the smartphone environment. We also find that the perceived usefulness of the smartphone is affected by the media richness. The results also suggest that the trend-seeking tendency has no influences to the users of social commerces in the smartphone environment. Also, theoretical and practical implications are discussed. The findings are believed to increase our understanding an interesting mobile phenomenon, as well as making contributions.