A B S T R A C T To investigate the pathophysiology of cerebral edema occurring during treatment of diabetic coma, the effects of hyperglycemia and rapid lowering of plasma glucose were evaluated in normal rabbits. During 2 h of hyperglycemia (plasma glucose = 61 mM), both brain (cerebral cortex) and muscle initially lost about 10% of water content. After 4 h of hyperglycemia, skeletal muscle water content remained low but that of brain was normal. Brain osmolality (Osm) (343 mosmol/kg H20) was similar to that of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (340 mosmol/kg), but increases in the concentration of Na+, K+, Cl-, glucose, sorbitol, lactate, urea, myoinositol, and amino acids accounted for only about half of this increase. The unidentified solute was designated "idiogenic osmoles". When plasma glucose was rapidly lowered to normal with insulin, there was gross brain edema, increases in brain content of water, Na+, K+, Cl-and idiogenic osmoles, and a significant osmotic gradient from brain (326 mosmol/ kg H20) to plasma (287 mosmol/kg). By similarly lowering plasma glucose with peritoneal dialysis, increases in brain Na+, K+, Cl-, and water were significantly less, idiogenic osmoles were not present, and brain and plasma Osm were not different. It is concluded that during sustained hyperglycemia, the cerebral cortex adapts to extracellular hyperosmolality This work was presented in part at International Symposium on the