This study examines underpricing of IPOs in emerging economy, India, and it investigates the factors influencing underpricing in Indian context. The analysis focuses on companies registered on the national stock exchange (NSE) from January 2021 to December 2023 i.e.,131 companies which included 91 underpriced IPOs and 40 overpriced IPOs. The sample of the study limits to 74 underpriced IPOs and the factors studied are underwriter reputation, age of the firm, listing delay, return on asset (ROA), debt-equity (D/E) ratio, and offer size. A causal research method was used for the study. The data was examined using tools like descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression on R software. The study is concluded by stating significant and relatively strong positive relationship between underwriter reputation and underpricing and notable but weak positive correspondence between listing delay and underpricing while other factors were not statistically significant. The collective impact of these factors on underpricing was further examined using Regression analysis model which states 20.4% of the variance in underpricing with underwriter reputation and listing delay as significant predictors.