Compounds Pt2a-d are potential candidates for dihydrogen bonding because they possess a protonated pyridyl moiety (hydrogen bond donor) and a metal hydride (hydrogen bond acceptor) in close proximity. The presence of a dihydrogen interaction has been characterized in the solid state by X-ray crystallography 1 and neutron diffraction, 2,3,4 and in solution by NMR and IR spectroscopy. 5 Normally, the infrared spectra of hydrogen bonded systemsshows that the metal-hydride and the NH or OH vibration bands broaden and shift to lower frequencies compared to compounds in which no hydrogen bonding occurs. 6 The 1 H NMR spectrum usually displays low field shifts for the X-H resonance (X= O or N), low minimumT 1 values and sometimes even hydride-proton couplings.
7,8In order to investigate whether dihydrogen bonding occurred in the platinum compounds