1992b; MacDonald et al., 1999a, 1999b). Almost all previous work on this topic has focused on liquid-saturated This paper reviews methods for modeling coupled microbial and porous media systems, with relatively few attempts at transport processes in variably saturated porous media. Of special interest in this work are interactions between active microbial growth addressing more complicated unsaturated or variably satand other transport processes such as gas diffusion and interphase urated systems. This lack of attention to variably satuexchange of O 2 and other constituents that partition between the rated systems may be due in part to their added complexaqueous and gas phases. The role of gas-liquid interfaces on microbial ity, or may simply be due to the fact that low nutrient transport is also discussed, and various possible kinetic and equilibavailability and competition and predation by other rium formulations for bacterial cell attachment and detachment are microorganisms limits the growth of many soil microreviewed. The primary objective of this paper is to highlight areas in organisms so that they may only occupy a small or negliwhich additional research may be needed-both experimental and gible volume of the pore space. Under the high nutrient numerical-to elucidate mechanisms associated with the complex inloading conditions that might occur in applications such teractions that take place between microbial processes and flow and transport processes in soils. In addition to their general ecological as wastewater treatment or bioremediation, however, significance, these interactions have global-scale implications for C bacteria and other microorganisms can proliferate, and cycling in the environment and the related issue of climate change. the consequent changes in soil hydraulic properties may be significant (Rockhold et al., 2002). Many models have been developed for describing