An n-vertex graph is said to to be (p, β)-bijumbled if for any vertex setsWe prove that for any 3 ≤ r ∈ N and c > 0 there exists an ε > 0 such that any n-vertex (p, β)-bijumbled graph with n ∈ rN, δ(G) ≥ cpn and β ≤ εp r−1 n, contains a K r -factor. This implies a corresponding result for the stronger pseudorandom notion of (n, d, λ)-graphs.For the case of triangle factors, that is when r = 3, this result resolves a conjecture of Krivelevich, Sudakov and Szabó from 2004 and it is tight due to a pseudorandom triangle-free construction of Alon. In fact, in this case even more is true: as a corollary to this result and a result of Han, Kohayakawa, Person and the author, we can conclude that the same condition of β = o(p 2 n) actually guarantees that a (p, β)-bijumbled graph G contains every graph on n vertices with maximum degree at most 2.