DOI: 10.5430/jha.v3n5p67
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Factors associated with high Cesarean deliveries in China and Brazil - A Call for reducing elective surgeries in moving towards Universal Health Coverage

Abstract: Background: Annually 6.2 million unnecessary Cesarean Deliveries (CD) are performed globally. Such high unnecessary CD rate is a concern not only due to the additional financial burden it places on the health system, but also because the quality of care could be compromised. There is an even more imperative need to reduce elective surgeries in moving towards the Universal Health Coverage (UHC), to ensure the ever stretched resources are effectively channeled for the best health outcomes. Methods:The paper uses… Show more

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Cited by 11 publications
(11 citation statements)
References 49 publications
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“…Our study found that education is signi cantly associated with an increased likelihood of cesarean delivery at the national level. This nding is consistent with several previous studies conducted in Bangladesh, 23,24 Brazil, 25 Pakistan, 7 Nepal 3 and China 26 . Women with higher education may have better decision-making ability to access obstetric care and more aware of the risk of childbirth-related complications.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 93%
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“…Our study found that education is signi cantly associated with an increased likelihood of cesarean delivery at the national level. This nding is consistent with several previous studies conducted in Bangladesh, 23,24 Brazil, 25 Pakistan, 7 Nepal 3 and China 26 . Women with higher education may have better decision-making ability to access obstetric care and more aware of the risk of childbirth-related complications.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 93%
“…A study conducted in Madhya Pradesh reported that about 41% of maternal death occurred among tribal women. 28 Several studies from Bangladesh, 6 Pakistan, 7 China, 26 Mozambique 29 and Ghana 30 demonstrated a signi cant in uence of wealth status on cesarean delivery. In this study, the rate of cesarean delivery increased from bottom to upper wealth index groups.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In the United Kingdom (UK) for example, the rate of birth by CS was 23 % in 2007 (Declercq et al 2010), almost twice the estimated 12.5 % reported in 1990 (Black et al 2005). Increasing rate of birth by CS is even higher elsewhere, such as China and Brazil (Hou et al 2014). Similarly, induction of labor (IOL) is becoming more common (Knight et al 2013) and in 2011, it was estimated that 25 % of all births in developed countries were induced (World Health Organization 2011).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 98%
“…Research on the high numbers of surgical deliveries in private hospitals indicates that the economic dimension has an important role in the commitment of doctors to carrying out surgical-cesarean births (Hopkins, 2000;Poterr et al, 2003;Haddad and Cecatti, 2011;Hopkins et al, 2014;Hou et al, 2014). In public services and the supplementary network (health insurance), the values paid to obstetricians for assistance during vaginal births and surgical-cesarean births is the same, but in private practice there is no rule, and each obstetrician negotiates their fee with the women.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%