Majority of people with mental health problems attend primary care for support. Interventions that structure consultations have been found effective for physical health conditions and secondary mental health care. The aim of the review is to identify what tools or interventions exist to structure communication in primary care for appointments related to mental health problems and examine existing evidence for effectiveness for mental health and quality of life outcomes.
Quantitative and qualitative studies were eligible for inclusion if staff was based in a primary care setting and the intervention involved bi-directional communication with adult patients. Six databases were searched (MEDLINE, Web of Knowledge, EMBASE, PsycINFO, The Cochrane Library, CINAHL) with no time restriction. Search terms combined four concepts with key words such as “structured” and “interaction” and “mental illness” and “primary care”. Reference lists of eligible studies were searched.
After removing duplicates, 3578 records were found and underwent further screening. A total of 16 records were included, representing eight different interventions from five countries. The majority were delivered by primary care doctors and focused on patients experiencing psychological distress. Similarities across interventions’ service delivery were that most were created for a broad patient population, used self-report assessments at the start and actions or plans as the end point, and employed group settings and didactic methods for training staff in the intervention. Booster and follow-up trainings were not offered in any of the interventions, and supervision was only part of the process for one. The evidence for effectiveness for mental health and quality of life outcomes was mixed with three out of five RCTs finding a positive effect.
Although the idea of structuring communication for mental health consultations has been around since the 1980s, relatively few interventions have attempted to structure the conversations within the consultation, rather than modifying pre-visit events. As the evidence-base showed feasibility and acceptability for a number of interventions, there is scope for those interventions to be developed further and tested more rigorously.