She was hiding her status from me but her boyfriend told me after the funeral.' (P03, female, 23 years old) 'No, I only knew after my father died.' (P08, male, 20 years old) Some of the participating adolescents indicated that they read their parents' medical cards and then realised their HIV and/or AIDS status. One participant reported: 'I knew because I saw my father's clinic card and he developed a rash and sores. I had a picture of him sick in hospital.' (P05, female, 17 years old)In some other cases, grandparents informed the participants, for example: 'Yes my grandmother told me about my mother's status.' (P06, female, 14 years old) 'I knew that she was HIV-positive. My grandmother told me when she was seriously ill.' (P07, female, 20 years old)In some cases, however, participants reported that they did not have any knowledge of their parents' HIV and/or AIDS status. The following excerpts provide examples: 'I did not have any idea whether they had HIV and/or AIDS or not. Both my parents were sick but I did not know what was wrong with them.'(P15, male, 16 years old) 'I did not know I was only two years when they died.' (P16, male, 12 years old)