A B S T R A C TPurpose: The aim of the study was to perform a fall risk screening and to identify the risk factors for falling in hospitalized patients with neurological disease aged up to and over 65 years. Design: A quantitative prospective cross-sectional study. Methods: The sample consisted of 103 patients who were hospitalized in the neurological unit. Empirical data was recorded in the research protocol, which included selected fall risk factors and the Morse Fall Scale (MFS). Results: Significant fall predictors in patients older than 65 years were: secondary diagnosis (p = 0.000), poly-pharmacotherapy (p = 0.000), number of medications taken over 24 hours (p = 0.000), a vision disorder (p = 0.005), continence disorder (p = 0.008), female sex (p = 0.005), the use of an ambulatory aid (p = 0.008), sleep disorders (p = 0.025), and hearing disorders (p = 0.033). The mean MFS total fall risk was 45.7 ± 20.2. In the sample of patients at high risk of falling, there were significant predictors of the falls: disorders of gait and balance (p = 0.000), the use of an ambulatory aid (p = 0.000), a history of falling (p = 0.001), age (p = 0.004), poly-pharmacotherapy = 0.008), continence disorder (p = 0.019), and vision disorder (p = 0.027). Conclusion: The identification of fall risk factors is the basis for the implementation of targeted nursing interventions to prevent and reduce falls. S Ú h R N Cieľ: Realizovať skríning rizika pádu a identifikovať rizikové faktory pádu u hospitalizovaných pacientov s neurologickým ochorením vo veku do a nad 65 rokov. Dizajn: Kvantitatívna prospektívna prierezová štúdia. Metodika: Súbor tvorilo 103 pacientov hospitalizovaných na neurologickom oddelení. Empirické údaje boli zaznamenávané do výskumného protokolu, ktorý obsahoval vybrané rizikové faktory pádu a nástroj Morse Fall Scale (MFS). Výsledky: Signifikantné prediktory pádu u pacientov starších ako 65 rokov boli pridružená diagnóza (p = 0,000), polyfarmakoterapia (p = 0,000), počet užívaných liekov * Korespondenční autor: Mgr. Michaela Miertová, PhD., Jesseniova lekárska fakulta UK, Ústav ošetrovateľstva, Malá hora 5, (Print) • ISSN 1804-7122 (Online) Kľúčové slová: Neurológia hospitalizovaní pacienti Pády Riziko Skríning Morse Fall Scale O š e t ř O v a t e l s t v í Článek citujte takto: Miertová M, Bóriková I, Tomagová M, Žiaková K. Risk factors of falling in patients with neurological diseases. Kontakt 2018; 20(3): e217-e222; http://dx.