Whereas "synchronous" learning happens in real time, "asynchronous" learning is done without real-time interaction. 2. All of the students who coauthored this article are white (as is the instructor), received A-level grades in the course, and had stable access to a personal electronic device and the Internet. To mitigate bias, we also drew from feedback given by a broader pool of students over email and via an anonymous survey. The generalizability of our experience also is impacted by other factors. None of the students enrolled in this course requested accommodations for disabilities that could not be easily applied in an online format; neither did anyone report extenuating circumstances beyond what is expected during a global pandemic. The predominantly white and wealthy composition of the broader student population at Queen's University is also a factor. 3. The name of this student was modified to preserve anonymity for professional reasons. 4. This is the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials, born between the late 1990s and the early 2010s. 5. Indeed, the diplomats they embodied during the simulation are experiencing similar challenges as a result of COVID-19 (Septiari 2020). 6. In Zoom, but Slack also includes channels and is a good alternative.