This report outlines in detail the situation of rural Youths Neither in Employment, nor in Education or Training (NEET) aged between 15 and 34 years old, over the last decade (2009-2019) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. To do this, the report utilised indicators of: you-th population; youth employment and unemployment; education; and, NEETs distribution. The characterisation of all indicators adopted the degree of urbanisation as a central cri-terion, enabling proportional comparisons between rural areas, towns and suburbs, cities and the whole country. These analyses are further divided into age subgroups and, where possible, into sex groups for greater detail. The statistical procedures adopted across the different selected dimensions involve: des-criptive longitudinal analysis; using graphical displays (e.g., overlay line charts); and, the calculation of proportional absolute and relative changes between 2009 and 2013, 2013 and 2019, and finally 2009 and 2019. These time ranges were chosen to capture the in-dicators evolution before and after the economic crisis which hit European countries. All data was extracted from ILOSTAT explorer public datasets.The analyses show that between 2009 and 2019 youth population in both rural and urban areas decreased. In general, a strong decline in youth population was observed within all categories, with the most significant decrease within the age group 25-29 (21.57%) and 15-19 (20.35%). Youth employment has tended to decrease overall, and the decrease is stron-ger within rural regions. Interestingly, youth unemployment has also tended to decrease, and a significantly higher share of unemployed youth is from rural regions. A somewhat similar trend is observed in the field of education where the number of those enrolled significantly decreased during the observed period for all education levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The ESLET rate tended to decrease, while the proportion of the female po-pulation tends to have higher ESLET levels compared to the male population. However, the ESLET rate is still below the 10% target defined by the Europe 2020 strategy. Finally, the proportion of NEETs in Bosnia and Herzegovina is higher in rural areas, while in general the tendency has been for it to decrease during the observed period.