Patients with preservation of the transitional zone of the anal canal have less leakage and less need to wear pads than patients who have had mucosectomy. There is a significant difference in mean maximum resting pressure between patients that have had anal transitional zone preservation and mucosenomy. With preservation of the anal transitional zone, a mean maximum resting pressure of 57.6±3.8 mmHg was obtained compared with 47.3±4 mmHg in the mucosectomy group. Preservation of the resting pressure is dependent on preservation of internal anal sphincter integrity. The integrity of the sphincter is injured during mucosectomy due to anal dilation. Other factors affecting continence and stool frequency, such as diet, antidiarrheal medications, stool consistency and compliance, when examined were found to be unrelated factors.Can J Gastroenterol I 990;4(7):428,431Key Words: lleo-anal anastomosis, Pressure studies, Surgery Les 'ostomies' -Importance de la zone de transition RESUME: Les patients chez qui la zone de transition du canal anal a ete preservee souffrent d'un nombre moindre de fuites ct eprouvent moins le besoin