In parallel to continued developments of steam and gas turbines as well as traffic engineering machines on the one hand, and marginal conditions like low specific fuel consumption and sufficient environment-friendliness on the other hand, the aim of improving the degree of efficiency by augmenting process parameters such as temperature and pressure is being followed. These efforts impact especially components of thermic machines and facilities subject to high thermal and mechanic exposure.Still largely unexplored is the interaction between microstructure characteristics determined through chemical composition, production processes and heat treatment, changes in the microstructure due to multiaxial load and the time-dependent deformation and stability resulting hereof. With regard to this background, improved methods of material properties determination, their modelling and transfer on the component enable to optimize wall thicknesses and degrees of efficiency.In the course of evaluation of static and cyclic material properties carried out also on faulty specimens, uncertainties occur which can originate from the testing process and analysis, as well as being influenced by the material itself and its process of production. Altogether, the demand for reliable determination of material properties and methods of scatterband treatment and their mathematicalstatistical evaluation is in business. For simulation, consistent material datasets that describe the complex interaction between temperature, period of exposure and type of exposure are needed. Summarizing, the tasks dealt with qualify the entire process from production to the operational behaviour of components.