Government of Jakarta has struggled to mitigate the traffic congestion by implementing the odd-even policy. This policy has restricted some roads for vehicles to pass in Jakarta in a certain time and this policy needs to be studied further for its impact on distance and time, especially for private companies. The research was conducted in private sectors which its warehouse located in Tangerang and its customers spread in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. The study focuses on 49 routes that every route had some customers’ location. The sequence for every route was determined if had a shortest distance and/or fastest time with the help of optimoroute software. Then, every route was processed by Google Maps both in normal condition and odd-even policy’s condition in order to get the distance and travel time. The results indicated that around 44.89% of routes have further distance and 16.55% have longer time, these results mean costlier for private companies since odd-even policy has been implemented. The study also compared two alternatives between maintaining current condition and switching to rent a vehicle with third party logistics, the result indicated that maintaining current condition alternative was still beneficial than switching to rent a vehicle alternative.