The present study was undertaken in the production area majorly Nagaur and in some part of Jodhpur district of Rajasthan to access the problems and constraints faced by farmers in the production and marketing of Nagauri (Paan) methi. A total sample of 150 farmers from 30 villages of two districts were selected for the study. The primary data were collected from the farmers by using pre tested structured schedule. The results from investigation shows that most important problem ranked first (Garret’s mean score is 75.60) was faced by farmers are lack of remunerative price of the product, which is 90 % of farmers were facing followed by lack of proper market center (Rank II), monopoly of traders (presence of less competitive firms), higher price spread. Least marketing constraint was payment delay which was faced by 55 per cent farmers ranked XIII. The major production constraints were drying of leaves (Garret’s mean score is 73.41) ranked I followed by irrigation and less use of technology. The appropriate policy suggestions are market establishment, government intervention to provide the remunerative price of Nagauri (Paan) methi and technology use.