“…Unsurprisingly this included the well-reported staff shortages and high attrition in the professions [as reported above, within aim (a)], which could have knock on implications. For example, Lone working (N, 99,118,119 Poor relationships with colleagues/incivility/ bullying 9,25,30,34,75,83,89,90,96,110,123 Fear of assault/abuse from public/patients (P, 124 but also N and M in some settings e.g. emergency nurses, 23 secure forensic 25,111 ) Challenging relationships with patients, public, clients 23,80,100,105,106,111,124,125 Not feeling able to speak out 9,83,90,94,114 continued one nursing paper focused on newly qualified nurses 73 highlighted that this can mean regularly working with temporary staff (bank or agency staff) and/or being moved to other units (impacting teamwork and collegiality as well as knowledge of the systems and patients), and that such shortages can often mean being the only registered nurse on a shift, leading to feeling "vulnerable, and their units unsafe" 73 (p. 3).…”