“…Nevertheless, the attendance rates in the counties vary from 71% to 90% (Swedish Breast Cancer Association, 2015); differences have also been found among areas in cities, with attendance rates ranging from 37% to 82% (Zackrisson, Lindström, Moghaddassi, Andersson, & Janzon, 2007). An integrative literature review of earlier studies regarding factors influencing mammographic screening participation has identified a range of reasons, from individual circumstances to more general conditions, such as socioeconomic status and age (Edgar, Glackin, Hughes, Mary, & Rogers, 2013), with many of the studies focusing on non-participation (Achat, Close, & Taylor, 2005; Borda et al, 2011; Brustrom & Hunter, 2001; Fallowfield, Rodway, & Baum, 1990; Gierisch et al, 2009; Johansson & Berterö, 2003; Lagerlund, Hedin, SparĂ©n, Thurfjell, & Lambe, 2000; Lagerlund, Widmark, Lambe, & Tishelman, 2001; Pietrzak, Godlewski, & Adamczak, 2011; Watson-Johnson et al, 2011). This study focuses on the attendees as it could be assumed that continuous participation in mammographic screening is important.…”