Background: Oat is mostly neglected crop for hybrid development due to its floral structure which results in high damage rate during hybridisation. Due to the cumbersome in acquiring a sufficient number of hybrids and subsequent backcrosses are difficult that lead to lack of much inheritance studies in Oats.
Methods: The procedure for crossing used was almost identical to that used by oat breeders which was conducted for 2 years viz., 2019-20 and 2020-21 at Forage Station, Punjab Agriculrural University, Ludhiana. Result: The experiment was conducted to know the seed set percent in oat cultivars. Since the oat flower is fragile compared other cereals and it is easily harmed during the emasculation and pollination process. The seed set percent observed was only 12 and 10 percent in the year 2019-20 and 2020-21, respectively.