Isomerism, or heterotaxy, impacts 1 in 10,000 live births and can lead to anatomic and functional anomalies in any organ system. What isn't known is how isomerism affects characteristics of the initial birth hospitalization. Data from the Kids Inpatient Database was used to compare the birth hospitalization between those with and without isomerism. A total of 4,442,985 admissions were included in the analysis. Of these, 1,6624 (0.04%) had isomerism. Patients with isomerism had increased length and cost of hospital stay when compared to those without. Comorbidities were more likely in those with isomerism. Need for diagnostic procedures, surgeries, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation was also greater in those with isomerism. Inpatient mortality was also found in a greater proportion of those with isomerism. Isomerism mediates differences in the birth admission.