A 48-year-old female patient presented with complaint of a swelling in the left cheek, in relation to left upper back tooth region. The swelling was present since 1 year and it had arisen as a small one, after extraction of a decayed left upper back tooth. History revealed that the swelling had increased gradually to attain its present size and that it was not associated with pain. There was no relevant medical, surgical or personal history. On extra oral examination, there was no evidence of erythema, ulceration or ecchymosis. Single left submandibular lymph node that was mobile, firm, non-tender and of size 0.5x0.5 cm, was palpable. Intra oral examination revealed a single localized dome shaped swelling of size 2x3 cm in the left buccal mucosa, in relation to 27 region, which extended posteriorly till the faucial pillars of the tonsils [Table/ Fig-1]. The mucosa which overlay the swelling was erythematous in nature and its surface was smooth. There was no surface discharge, the swelling was firm in consistency and it was nontender. The swelling was fixed to the underlying tissue and the area which surrounded the swelling, appeared to be normal. Clinical differential diagnosis included benign mesenchymal neoplasms, reactive or inflammatory conditions of minor salivary glands, benign or low grade malignant tumours of salivary gland origin, and metastatic tumour deposits of distant site. An orthopantomograph was taken and it revealed no bony changes in the maxilla or the mandible. Lesion was excised in toto, it was Dentistry Section aBstRaCt Minor salivary gland neoplasms of the buccal mucosa are relatively uncommon. Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC), a well-defined entity, occurs most of the times in the parotid, submandibular glands and palate, as far as the intraoral site is concerned. Adenoid cystic carcinoma tends to have an indolent, extended clinical course with wide local infiltration and late distant metastases. We are presenting a case of an adenoid cystic carcinoma of the buccal mucosa in a 48-year-old female patient.[table/ Fig-1]: Clinical picture depicting a mass of the buccal mucosa