“…Cal car e ous de pos its, con sid ered as in di cat ing a hy dro log i cal re gime de ter mined by the catch ment li thol ogy, per ma frost with drawal and plant colonis ation (GoŸdzik and Konecka-Bet ley, 1992a;Forysiak et al, 2010;Kordowski et al, 2014a) are ex cep tional in this re spect. In the Pol ish Low land, sed i men ta tion of cal car e ous gyttja was caused by the li thol ogy and avail abil ity of cal car e ous ma te rial (Ca 2+ and HCO 3 ions) in the catch ment, deep en ing of de pressions oc cu pied by per ma nent wa ter bod ies, and hab i tat con ditions such as physicochemical prop er ties of the lake wa ter (Mazurek, 1990;Borówka, 1992;Apolinarska et al, 2012;Okupny et al, 2016c;Makohonienko et al, 2023). Apart from cal car e ous sed i men ta tion, an im por tant group of lac us trine depos its found in the basal parts of nu mer ous mire sec tions are de tri tal gyttja and de tri tal-clayey gyttja (¯urek and Okupny, 2015).…”