“…This is there fore not uni form and iso tro pic, and may di rectly in flu ence the ac cu racy and pre ci sion of the es ti mated age as mea sured by OSL meth ods (e.g., Porêba et al, 2022). It can be also as sumed that the in ter nal struc ture, es pe cially primary and sec ond ary de fects in quartz polycrystals, con trols the sus cep ti bil ity to HF acid etch ing (the acid, in stead of di gest ing the par ti cle on the sur face, can po ten tially pen e trate along cracks), sim i larly to the sus cep ti bil ity to frost-in duced mod i fi cations (es pe cially cracks or even frag men ta tion) found for quartz sand grains (Górska et al, 2023). In ad di tion, if the strongly adhe sive Type B polymineralic coat ing is not com pletely re moved (the qual ity of coat ing re moval is never con firmed -it is assumed that quartz grains are sin gle crys tals; Bell and Zimmer -man, 1978;Moska et al, 2021) in the ini tial phase of the prep ara tion (by HCl and perhydrol), as a re sult of the re ac tion of HF with el e ments such as Mo, Fe and Cr, the sur face of the etched grain may be cov ered by a pas sive film which hin ders fur ther cor ro sion (Dai et al, 2021).…”