This study compares Iowa community college (CC) transfer students who transferred to one of Iowa's three Regent universities in the fall of 1996 to students who started at one of the Iowa Regent universities in 1994 and who were still attending such university in the fall of 1996 (referred to as non-transfer, or NT, students). In previous educational literature, these students are have been referred to as "native" students. To be culturally sensitive, this study identifies these students as "non-transfer students" or NT students. Demographic comparisons are made according to age, gender, ACT scores, and the number of credits either transferred or accumulated during the first two years of college. CC transfer students, when compared to NT students, were significantly older (22.22 vs. 20.09, t^^ = 18.92, p < 0.05), a significantly lower percentage were female (46.6%, vs. 52.6%, Z =-4.65, p < 0.05), had significantly lower ACT scores (21.19, vs. 24.25, t(69j0df) =-27.10, p < 0.05), and transferred more credits than NT students had accumulated in two years (54.48 vs. 51.33 credits, t (2639df) = 6.941, p < 0.05). Additional comparisons between CC transfer students and NT students were made in the spring of2000 according to grade point averages at graduation or time of exit, graduation rates, and attrition rates, stratified by ACT scores, gender, and college major. CC transfer students' grade point average (GPA) at graduation was statistically lower than the NT students' graduation GPA (2.83, vs. 3.09, t^wo =-11.33, p < 0.05). However when stratified by ACT scores, the differences were less than a plus or minus grade differentiation (0.33 difference on a 4.0 scale). Overall, graduation rates for CC transfer students were significantly lower than NT students and attrition rates significantly higher (53.73%, vs. xi 82.71%, Z =-26.19, p < 0.05; 34.37% vs. 12.6%, Z = 22.01, p < 0.05). Implications for practice include social and academic integration of CC transfer students beginning at the community colleges, collaboration with the Regent universities' faculty and advisors, and continuing once the transfer has been completed. 1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Higher Education in Iowa and the United States Four-year public institutions Higher education in the state of Iowa is a long-standing tradition. In fact, the University of Iowa was chartered in 1847, within the first two months of Iowa's statehood. Classes began in 1855, and the University of Iowa was on its way to become Iowa's largest public higher educational institution. In 2000, over 28,000 students came from all Iowa counties, all 50 of the United States, and 99 countries to attend the University of Iowa (Iowa Official Register, 1999-2000). Iowa State University traces its roots back to the State Agricultural Society at Fairfield, Iowa in 1853. In 1858 the Iowa General Assembly funded the Iowa Agricultural College and Model Farm to be in Story County. With the passage of the Morrill Land Grant Act in 1862, the Iowa Agricultural College and Model Farm was designated as I...