Despite significant advancements in the development of psychotropic medications, increasing adherence rates remain a challenge in the treatment and management of psychiatric disorders. The purpose of this study is to qualitatively explore the challenges underlying medication adherence and strategies to improve it among adolescents with psychiatric disorders in Malaysia. This qualitative research design presents results from 17 semi-structured interviews with adolescent psychiatric patients, aged 11 to 19 years old, from public hospitals across Peninsular Malaysia. The data collected from interviews were transcribed and processed through thematic analysis using the NVivo 11 software. A total of three main themes concerning medication adherence were identified: (1) challenges; (2) coping strategies and (3) protective factors. In this study, thirteen subthemes emerge as challenges underlying medication adherence experienced by adolescent psychiatric patients. The coping strategies identified in this study fall under three broad subthemes which are problem-focused strategies, emotion-focused strategies and maladaptive strategies. This study also highlights social support and positive medicinal effects as protective factors for non-adherence issues in adolescent psychiatric patients. In conclusion, this study supports the notion that adherence is a multi-factorial phenomenon. This study can inform future development of interventions and targeted health promotion programmes in enhancing adherence.