Relevance: HIV infection remains an urgent, socially significant disease in modern society. In the modern world, absolutely everyone is at risk of contracting HIV infection to one degree or another. Despite active preventive work, new cases of infection are registered every year, which makes the problem of HIV infection strategically important.
Objective: To determine the level of awareness of the population of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania on HIV infection in different age groups.
Materials and methods: The questionnaires of 600 respondents were analyzed. Respondents are represented in four age groups from 15 to 35 years in equal numbers – 25%. The questionnaire included the most relevant questions about the ways of HIV transmission. Empirical data were processed and analyzed using the capabilities of the IBM SPSS Statistics 27.0.1 software and analytical complex.
Results: Of the 137 new HIV cases recorded in 2022, men predominate - 59.1%, while women – 40.9%. Among the established transmission routes, the highest proportion falls on the sexual (heterosexual) pathway of infection – 51.8%, the homosexual pathway – 5.1%. The proportion of people infected with parenteral administration of narcotic drugs was 41.6%, perinatal contact was 1.4%. There is a continuing trend of HIV infection among residents of working and reproductive age from 20 to 49 years old, which makes the issue of preserving the health of this group strategically important. The 18-22 age group of people studying in higher and secondary educational institutions has the most positive idea of the ways of HIV transmission and the risk of infection, which indicates the importance of awareness-raising activities. In the adolescent group of 15-17 years, there is a misconception about the ways of HIV transmission. The misconception about the possibility of contracting HIV infection in everyday conditions persists in 20.7% of respondents in the 30-35 age group and 13.3% in the 15-17 age group. The majority of respondents in each age group gave a negative answer: 15-17 years old – 44%; 18-22 years old – 44.7%; 23-29 years old – 41.3% and in the 30-35 years old group – 44%, which indicates a misunderstanding of the vertical path of transmission from an HIV-infected mother to a child, more than 40% of negative responses from respondents in each the age group. Conclusion: The level of awareness of the population of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania on HIV infection is quite high. At the same time, the adolescent age group, which is the most vulnerable in matters of risky behavior, is the least informed about the ways of HIV transmission and requires special attention. The results of the study will make it possible to contribute to the development and implementation of HIV prevention measures/AIDS and related diseases in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.