To cite this article: Reding MT, Ng HJ, Poulsen LH, Eyster ME, Pabinger I, Shin H-J, Walsch R, Lederman M, Wang M, Hardtke M, Michaels LA. Safety and efficacy of BAY 94-9027, a prolonged-half-life factor VIII. J Thromb Haemost 2017; 15: 411-9.
Essentials• Recombinant factor VIII BAY 94-9027 conjugates in a site-specific manner with polyethylene glycol.• BAY 94-9027 was given to patients with severe hemophilia A as prophylaxis and to treat bleeds.• BAY 94-9027 prevented bleeds at dose intervals up to every 7 days and effectively treated bleeds.• BAY 94-9027 treatment was mainly well tolerated and no patient developed factor VIII inhibitors. tional weeks until randomization arms were filled. Patients who were eligible but not randomized continued twiceweekly prophylaxis. The primary efficacy outcome was annualized bleeding rate (ABR). Results: The intent-totreat population included 132 patients (prophylaxis, n = 112; on demand, n = 20). Median ABR (quartile [Q1; Q3]) for patients treated two times per week who were not eligible for randomization (n = 13) improved after dose increase (17.4 [14.3; 26.0] to 4.1 [2.0; 10.6]). Median ABR for patients randomized to every-5-days treatment (n = 43) was 1.9 (0; 4.2), similar to patients eligible for randomization but who continued treatment two times per week (n = 11). Median ABR for 32/43 patients (74%) who continued every-7-days prophylaxis until study end was 0.96 (0.0; 4.3). Six hundred and thirty-six of 702 bleeds (90.6%) were controlled with ≤ 2 infusions. No patient developed a FVIII inhibitor. Conclusions: BAY 94-9027 prevented bleeding across three individually tailored dose regimens and was effective for treatment of bleeds.