The purpose of this arti cle is to defi ne an innovati on strategy for Polish industrial processing enterprises for 2012-2014, i.e. aft er a negati ve external shock which escalated in [2008][2009][2010] and was associated with a global fi nancial crisis. Various types of enterprises (small, medium, large), geographic scope of markets, forms of innovati on acti vity of enterprises, decisions by enterprises regarding innovati on implementati on types, methods of product development and process innovati ons by enterprises, and forms of eco-innovati on which are the most frequent in industrial processing, were studied as well as barriers to innovati on. Overall, seven detailed research hypotheses were stati sti cally verifi ed using a chi-square test for independence. Subsequently, due to a high number of variables taken into account in the study as well as the necessity of providing a detailed descripti on of the relati onships between them, a correspondence analysis was employed. The analysis was aimed at reducing the multi -dimensional space where the studied phenomena occur to a space of fewer dimensions, in this case, to two dimensions. This allows for a careful examinati on of the co-occurrence of the phenomena using biplots. A relati vely slight tendency of enterprises towards innovati on was established as well as cauti on in its implementati on, which may result from the relati ve persistence of the exogenous shock eff ects. At the same ti me, there is a clear tendency towards eco-innovati on in a broader perspecti ve, with a slow decrease -as presumed by enterprises -in the importance of barriers to innovati on. Practi cal conclusions following from the study show the need to emphasize the benefi ts of innovati on, especially eco-innovati on, in pro-innovati on policy, which will help to avoid the adverse eff ects of the external shock -psychological barriers and This is an open access arti cle under the CC BY license (htt ps://creati 36 / Diversification of innovation strategies of Polish industrial processing enterprises depending on their size after the global financial crisis Evolving Enterprise Competences as a Consequence of Response to Changes in the Environment Anna Ujwary-Gil, Natalia Potoczek (Eds.)excessive caution in innovation planning and implementation. The article presents an original, unique, and comprehensive analysis of the relationships between sixty-three variables describing the innovation activity of enterprises. Therefore, the value of the article lies in an original and strictly empirical approach to the problems of innovation in the industrial processing sector, which means that the study presented in it might become a possible model for such analyses in the future.