The purpose of the research was to obtain information about the necessity and efficiency of the application of localized irrigation to some qualitative indices of plum trees in the nursery, against the background of different fertilization treatments. The expected results to be obtained by applying differentiated rules of irrigation and fertilization will consist in obtaining a healthy, vigorous fruit tree planting material, increasing production in the nursery. With fruit trees in the nursery, as with all cultivated plants, the growth process depends to the greatest extent on the climate and soil conditions available to them. The use of fertilizers in tree culture becomes necessary to renew the reserve of nutrients consumed by plants or leached in depth, then to improve the physical condition, the chemical composition, and the overall state of fertilization of the soil. It is necessary to intervene every year, in several rounds, with fertilizations that ensure, on the one hand, the achievement of a certain level of production, and on the other hand, a certain level and ratio of nutritional elements by returning the amounts of elements easily accessible nutrients extracted with the harvest to be able to maintain, in this way, the fertility of the soil in accordance with the age of the plantation and the level of production. The two varieties of plum studied were Stanley and Cacanska Lepotica, two valuable varieties for the quality of the fruit. During the research, the fertilization treatments had the highest contribution (34.50 %) on the stem diameter, compared to irrigation (20.67 %) and respectively the variety (5.63 %), considering that the variety did not significantly influence the increase in diameter of the grafted trees.